Sad to say this, however I received an account for Powershell Gallery to be able to submit modules to the new PowershellGet (formerly know as OneGet) ecosystem a looong time ago. Today was the first time I published a module to the repository. The work involved was, like I expected, very light. Process went smoothly and my module was uploaded within 10 seconds.
If you have not looked into it yet, I highly recommend you start to dig in. The statistics on show that there is a dramatic increase in downloads the last couple of months. I expect this to increate as time goes by and by the fact that there is a package management preview available for people with Powershell version 3.0 or 4.0 running in Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows7, Windows8, Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 (download link). Please note that the preview is dependent on .Net version 4.5.
First module
So what did I upload as my first module? Well after being on Windows 10 for a couple of months (yes, I did not install it at once it was available), I got tired of changing the PowerPlan my laptop was on using the GUI. I have a rather large Lenovo laptop with 2 batteries which people make a point of noticing.
Hence I created a small module that has two simple advanced functions:
- Get-PowerPlan
- Set-PowerPlan
You might have guessed the name of the module: PowerPlan. Code is up on GitHub and as I have mentioned, the module is published to PowershellGallery. Just search for PowerPlan or go to a powershell window (launched as administrator) and type one of the following:
The functions use Get-CimInstance for the Win32_PowerPlan class and the Activate method with Invoke-CimMethod cmdlet.
Please report any issues on GitHub or if you have any enhancements you would like to include. Pull-requests are welcome!
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