This is part 2 of the REST API blogpost. In part1 we successfully setup two REST API endpoints using the UniversalDashboard PowerShell module. In this part we are going to create a simple module that support some CRUD operation against our API. As we are trying to keep things as simple as possible, we will not use any fancy framework (like Plaster) to build our module. We are also going to skip a very important step you should familiarize yourself with, Pester tests. Lets get to it. The module We will build a module called FilesAPI. The module folder will look like this: In the functions folder I have already added the 2 helper functions from part 1, Get-AuthorizationHeader and ConvertTo-Base64 . The other folders are just placeholders for important stuff like classes, private functions that you do not want to make available for the module consumer and tests for Pester tests. For such a small module that we are going to create, one could argue that it is much easier to just ...