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Showing posts from April, 2016

Pester Operational Tests

I have created yet another GitHub repro " PesterOperationTest ". Feels like I do this every week, however that is not the case. But why? The purpose of this repository is to collect Pester Unit tests for your infrastructure. Anything that is mission critical for you business deserves a tests that validates the correct configuration. It will make you sleep like a baby and stop worrying when you implement a change in your environment if you tests pass. This will only become as good as the contribution you make to the repository. I would love to do all the work myself, however there is not enough time in the world. Think of it like you are helping yourself and at the same time a lot of other people could benefit from the test you create. How? My original thought was to organize this in folders, one for each vendor and with subfolders for each products and/or feature. The scripts will be published to the Powershell Gallery for easy and convenient access for everyone...