So Windows Powershell Blog released a blog a couple of days ago ( link ). Not too long after, a discussion emerged about it being to complicated to setup. Even though the required software is open source (nugetgalleryserver), it looks like you need to have Visual Studio Installed to compile it. I looked into doing it without visual stuidio, however I have been unable to come up with a solution. I even tweeted about it since I am not an developer. Maybe someone how is familiar with “msbuild” could do a post on how to do it without VS. Anyhow one of my twitter-friends ( @ sstranger ) came to the rescue and pointed me in the direction of ProGet , hence the title of this post. ProGet comes in 2 different licensing modes Free (reduced functionality) Enterprise (paid version with extra features) The good news is that the free version supports hosting a local PowershellGet repository which was my intention anyway. So off we go and create a Configration that can install ProGet for us. T...