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Showing posts from January, 2014

Bulk Import Operations Manager 2012 Management Packs

Read a post today from Joe Thompson regarding this subject. Really liked the idea with bulk import of Management Packs. The scenario is like this: You have a folder or several folders with a bunch of Management Packs and you want to install only those that is currently not installed. I hope Mr Thompson does not mind me changing his Powershell script and "improving" it slightly if you ask me :-) [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})] [string] $ManagementPacksPath ) Write-Verbose "Creating an array of file names from the path $ManagementPacksPath" $MPfiles = (Get-Item -Path "$ManagementPacksPath\*" -Include *.mp*).Name [int]$CountMatching = 0 $InstallList = @() foreach($MP in $MPfiles) { Write-Verbose "Getting MP properties using SCOM cmdlet and the parameter 'ManagementPackFile'" $MPproperties = Get-SCOMManagementPack -ManagementPackFile "$ManagementPacksPath\...

Monitoring Orchestrator runbook events from Operations Manager

Today I will follow up on my colleague’s post Mr ITblog (Knut Huglen) about monitoring Orchestrator Runbook events .  He has build a nice double up SNMP loopback feature that does self monitoring in Orchestrator resulting in entries written to a special Windows Eventlog. Now we need to raise alerts in SCOM when one of his runbooks fails or sends a platform event, who knows there could be trouble lurking in his paradise. We are not going to do anything fancy, however these are the steps we will be focusing on today: Create a Management Pack for our customizations Create rules that collects the events from the orchestrator server Off we go then and fire up the SCOM console and a powershell window. First we create a MP, I am going to use powershell to do this, however you may use the SCOM console as well (Administration – ManagementPacks – Action: Create Management Pack): Import the Management Pack into SCOM and move on to the Authoring section in the SCOM console. Create a new...

OpsMgr 2012 - DeleteDisabledDiscoverySources

Back again for a short post regarding a resent event I experienced. I have been tidying up my lab to prepare for an upgrade test I have been waiting to complete. Prior to the upgrade I wanted to remove some of the management packs what was targeted to IIS on some of my servers. Usually this is done by: Create a new ManagementPack (IIS7.disabled.xml) Create a new group and target it to the newly created MP (IIS7.disabled.xml) Disable the discovery rules for IIS7 and target the new Group This should prevent the members of the group to “apply” the managementpack, however the the servers will still show up in views that target IIS7 MP. To remove these objects from the view, we need to run a powershell SCOM-cmdlet called Remove-SCOMDisabledClassInstance. So off I went and loaded the OperationsManager Module in my always open powershell console window and fired off the cmdlet. It threw the usual warning message at me: I sat back and was planning to enjoy my coffee...