Read a post today from Joe Thompson regarding this subject. Really liked the idea with bulk import of Management Packs. The scenario is like this: You have a folder or several folders with a bunch of Management Packs and you want to install only those that is currently not installed. I hope Mr Thompson does not mind me changing his Powershell script and "improving" it slightly if you ask me :-) [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})] [string] $ManagementPacksPath ) Write-Verbose "Creating an array of file names from the path $ManagementPacksPath" $MPfiles = (Get-Item -Path "$ManagementPacksPath\*" -Include *.mp*).Name [int]$CountMatching = 0 $InstallList = @() foreach($MP in $MPfiles) { Write-Verbose "Getting MP properties using SCOM cmdlet and the parameter 'ManagementPackFile'" $MPproperties = Get-SCOMManagementPack -ManagementPackFile "$ManagementPacksPath\...